JETT (Sire)
Karpaten Irbis Tobias (Jett NAVHDA N/A Prize 2, 103 pts) is another true original. He is Hege-Haus top and bottom with many KS dogs in his pedigree. Hege-Haus is the oldest, longest-lasting German Shorthaired Pointer (Deutsch Kurtzhaar) bloodline in the world from Germany. Jett is everything we want to see in a stud dog. As a young puppy, his intelligence was clear. He was very bold, eager to please and quick to learn new tasks. From the moment Jett deboarded the plane, he adapted to his new environment quickly and confidently. He is very independent both inside and outside the house…not clingy at all, but still loves to be in your lap. If a dog can be kind-hearted, Jett is that dog.
When you watch Jett hunt, he hunts with his head. You can see it in his eyes – always thinking. He covers a field like an old veteran hunter. He adjusts to the wind and holds a point for days. Jett also retrieves naturally and LOVES being in the water. He truly is a special dog that excels at everything he does and we’re honored to call him ours.
Incredible pedigree with stunning looks and style. That’s Jett!